
  • Oleksandr Shandiba Sumy National Agrarian University http://orcid.org/




conical contraction, inside problem of hydrodynamics, power interaction, contraction geometry, energy losses, drag resistance, local attack angle, ring contraction, external problem of hydrodynamics, streamlining pontoon.


The conical contraction is the most widespread unit of many technical systems. For the inside problem of Hydrodynamics it is the noticeable sample of power interaction between flow and streamlining surface. In this consideration we shall be limite


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How to Cite

Шандыба, А. (2019). L’ACTION RECIPROQUE DES CORPS CONTOURNES AVEC LE FLUX. Modern Engineering and Innovative Technologies, (09-01), 5–12. https://doi.org/10.30890/2567-5273.2019-09-01-001


