
  • Lesya Fik Vinnitsa National Medical University. M.I. Pirogov http://orcid.org/
  • Marina Vasyukova National Medical University. A.A. Pilgrim http://orcid.org/
  • Irina Kudlackaya-Tyshko National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education P.L. Shupika http://orcid.org/
  • Tatyana Pochinok National Medical University. A.A. Pilgrim http://orcid.org/




children, undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia, soluble fibrin, D-dimer


The analysis of the clinical picture of children with undifferentiated dysplasia of connective tissue aged 6-12 years is carried out. It was shown that the formation of UCTD depends on the influence of 2 or more unfavorable factors of hypoxic genesis on


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How to Cite

Фик, Л., Васюкова, М., Кудлацкая-тышку, И., & Починок, Т. (2019). DISORDER OF THE BLOOD COAGULATION AND FIBRINOLYSIS IN CHILDREN WITH UNDIFFERENTIATED DYSPLASIA OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE. Modern Engineering and Innovative Technologies, (09-01), 21–31. https://doi.org/10.30890/2567-5273.2019-09-01-035


